Excel Runner for MS Excel 4.0 by Roberto Boschin This program is formed with the macro-functions provided in Microsoft Excel 4.0 . This macro application is auto-installating and it looks for the Excel directory; it copies itself into this directory and it forms and adds a new tool inside the toolbar shown in MS Excel 4.0. By clicking the tool it appears a dialog box which permits to set seven buttons which will be useful to run seven pre-defined programs. The good in this is that if we want to launch for example the clock or the calculator while working in MS Excel or if we have to run WinWord and write something that we will have to import in MS Excel, all we have to do is to click to new tool and the button relative to winWord or the clock or the calculator etc. We will avoid closing or minimizing MS Excel, looking for the "Applications" or "Accessories" window and double-clicking the program icon.